The 2024 Categories
What Makes A Podcast Independent?
For the purposes of these awards, a podcast is considered independent if it is produced without the financial support of a large organisation such as a publishing company, or brand, and is not fronted by high profile celebrities for whom this is one of many revenue streams. Podcasts that have featured high profile guests will still be considered. If you're unsure whether your podcast qualifies you can get in touch with Emma to discuss.
Eligibility Period
To be eligible for entry you'd ideally have released at least 10 episodes of your podcast in the last 12 months OR it's a contained mini-series, OR you've been podcasting for a while and have a notable back catalogue but have been a bit sporadic in the last 12 months.
Your podcast has to be hosted on a platform that is easily accessible to all (e.g. cannot be only available on a private feed for subscribers). Episodes entered must be from the last 12 months, which for the purposes of these awards runs from 1st June 2023 to 31st May 2024.
Inclusivity and Underrepresented Communities
Inclusivity is very important to us. We especially want to hear from podcast hosts with gender identities underrepresented in podcasting, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, people of colour, anyone with disabilities or other marginalised groups, especially if your podcast is aimed towards those communities. We have also partnered with the Podcasting, Seriously Fund who provide bursaries for those within these communities that may not be able to afford to enter by themselves.
UK vs Non-UK Podcasts
Currently only podcasters that are based in the UK or Ireland are eligible to enter the awards.
Entering Your Podcast
You can enter the same podcast in multiple categories if you think that it straddles a few different sectors. The first entry will be charged at £30, subsequent entries will be charged at £5 each.
We also have two categories that are free to enter, Best Podcast Jingle & Best Podcast Artwork but you must have entered one of the other categories in order to qualify for these. Once you've entered one of the paid for categories you'll be emailed a link to enter these.
The Independent Podcast of the Year cannot be self entered, but will instead be chosen by the judges from the winners of all the other categories.
For each category we want to know the following. This is also what the judges will be scoring you on when they are listening to your shows so make sure you cover these points:
- Why you started your podcast
- How long you’ve been doing it
- Average weekly/monthly listeners
- don't worry if this isn't that high, we're all about helping to elevate podcasts, not penalising for being smaller
- How your podcast serves the community it is designed for
- What makes it different/stand out from others in its genre
You'll also be asked to upload a Pod.Link to your three favourite episodes of your show, with a timestamp for your favourite 15 minutes from each. There's no need to edit your podcast down to just 15 minutes.
Arts & Culture
This category is for podcasts that cover any aspect of the world of arts and culture. Whether that’s interviewing figures from the arts, a run down of the latest exhibitions, an exploration of cultural themes, a closer look at society and the way it works or a breakdown of the hottest theatre shows in town, we want to hear about your show.
Best Podcast Artwork of the Year
We want to celebrate more than the podcasts, we want to award the best artwork out there too. After all, it’s that small coloured square that helps listeners decide between your podcast and another, so it’s something to reward. Enter your artwork and you might see it up in lights at the event.
Best Podcast Jingle of the Year
Does the music from your podcast get just as many comments as the content? Then why not enter it here. We’ll play the shortlisted entries on the night at the awards, so we can all listen to your greatness!
Whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, genre specific or spanning all topics, if your podcast covers reading or writing books this is the one for you.
Branded Content - NEW
This category is for those podcasts that are created to promote a product, the work a company does, or the industry in general. This can be created for and by your own business, or on behalf of a client.
Business & Money
Do you chat about all things marketing? Are you giving tips on how to become a small business owner? Do you tell listeners how to be more careful with their money? Are you hosting an online version of The Apprentice? Or are investments your thing? If this sounds like your podcast then enter it here.

Children & Young Adults
If your podcast caters for a younger audience then this is the one for you. Whether it's educational, entertaining or shining a light on world issues in an easy to understand way for the next generation then we want to know about it.
Maybe you created a monthly stand-up show, maybe you and your mates sit around chatting and the results are hilarious. Maybe you talk about the latest comedy gigs you’ve been to, or perhaps you give a rundown of the best comedic performances of all time. If it’s focused on funny we want it in this category.

Do you seek to teach your audience something new or give them a better understanding of the world around them? Then this is probably the category for you.
Do you create a completely scripted podcast that takes listeners into a fictional world? Does each episode or series of episodes tell a story that allows them to escape reality for a while? Then this is the category for you.

Films & TV
If you cover any aspect of film or TV, whether it’s focusing on brand new releases or forgotten gems, then enter it here.
Are you chatting about the world of eSports or the hot new releases from your favourite game designer? If it lives in the world of gaming, then tell us about it here.
Health & Wellness
Maybe you’re telling your listeners about your own journey towards better health, or featuring guests that have had life changing treatments, or simply teaching the joys of eating well. If your podcast is aiming to improve the wellbeing of your listeners then enter it into this category.

Does your podcast take listeners back in time and remind us of days gone by? Whether it’s Ancient Egyptians or modern history or somewhere in between that you cover, enter it into this category.
Does your podcast feature discussions on those things that can’t quite be explained by science? Or maybe you focus on horror, whether that’s books, film, or theatre shows, if it’s horrific it’s probably exactly what we want to know about.
Lifestyle - NEW
If you consider your podcast to cover different lifestyles then this is the category for you. This could include - but isn’t limited to - food, drink, travel, fashion, and spirituality.
Do you discuss songwriters and composers? Are you looking at individual songs or albums as one? Whether you’re crazy for classical or down for drum ‘n’ bass, if it’s got a beat and you’re talking about it on your podcast then enter it here.
News & Politics
With such a turbulent time in the world at the moment there is plenty to discuss in both news and politics. Add to that it being an election year in the US, and probably the UK, and we’re all going to be looking for someone to make sense of it all for us. Maybe that’s what you’re doing and if so, that’s why you should be entering this category.
Parenting - NEW
Does your podcast focus on the trials and tribulations of bringing up kids? Do you offer tips and tricks on how to cope with the things that being a parent throws at you, or share funny stories of the things that have happened while out with your kids? If that sounds like your podcast then enter it here.
Science & Technology
Whether it’s the latest tech for your home, new advances in AI, or whether we really could survive on Mars, if it’s science or technology related then enter it here.
Sex, Love & Relationships
Is sex and how to do it better the topic of your podcast? Or maybe it’s what love really means in today’s society, or whether being in a relationship is right for everyone? If your podcast covers anything love, sex or relationship related then enter it here.
If you’re creating a podcast about sport, any sport, then enter it here. Football fanatics? Cricket champions? Boxing boffins? Enter the sports category and let us hear what you’ve got to say.

The Outdoors & Adventure - NEW
This is for those podcasts that shine a light on outdoor pursuits. Whether that’s hiking, cycling, trail running, climbing, off-roading, open water swimming, or something else that can only be done in the great outdoors, share it with us here.
True Crime
This is an area that has seen a huge growth in interest in recent years, but does your podcast have a new take on true crime? Tell us how you tell your stories in this category.