Why Launch The Independent Podcast Awards?

The Independent Podcast Awards were set up by whynow Media and the Verbal Diorama podcast team to help uncover the talent that we have in the UK but that doesn’t always get recognition it deserves.

whynow Media has created podcasts of its own and knows the work that goes into making them. It’s also home to one of the UK’s top rated film history podcasts, The Film Stories Podcast.

Verbal Diorama, itself an independent podcast, was founded in 2019. It's the podcast all about the history and legacy of movies you know, and movies you don't. It recently celebrated releasing 200 episodes, and four years of podcasting.

We’re also working with experts from across the industry to make sure we are serving the independent podcast community, and continue to shine a light on the creators behind the microphones that are working hard to build their own communities.