Terms conditions for booking


Terms and Conditions for Booking to Attend the Independent Podcast Awards: Before you submit a booking for an event, please read these conditions ("Conditions").

1. By accepting these Conditions as part of the event booking process, you are indicating your agreement to enter into a contract with whynow Limited of 34 Eastcastle Street, London, W1W 8DW.

2. The "Event" means Independent Podcast Awards, which will take place in Autumn 2023, exact date and venue to be confirmed.

3. "Fee" means the price of the Event as indicated during the booking process or as promoted in any marketing materials.

4. Please review all of the information you have submitted or will submit in respect of your booking before you make a booking request. By submitting a booking request you confirm that all of the information you submit is accurate, true and complete.

5. By submitting your booking request you are offering to enter into a contract for attendance at the Event.

6. We reserve the right to reject any booking request we receive.

7. The Fee for the Event is stated inclusive of VAT (except where stated otherwise on the event website).

8. In the event you are unable to attend you may substitute a suitable delegate to an Event upon notification to whynow Ltd at no additional charge; this is at whynow’s discretion.

9. Unless otherwise stated the refund policy for events is as follows:

    9.1 Cancellation more than 6 weeks before the event: full refund

    9.2 4-2 weeks before the event: 50% of the fee refunded

    9.3 less than 2 weeks before the event: no refund.

10. All places at the Event are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

11. The Event is subject to cancellation or rescheduling at our discretion. If the Event is cancelled in its entirety, we will credit any event fees paid to you as soon as possible. If the time, date, venue or content of the Event is changed subsequent to your booking, you will be notified and given the option to cancel your booking. We shall not be liable for any additional loss or damage resulting from such cancellation or changes.

12. We reserve the right to cancel, suspend or vary the operation of our contract with you if events occur which are outside of our reasonable control and we shall not be responsible for any breach of contract, nor for any loss or damage, resulting from such an event.

13. Any typographical, clerical or other similar accidental error or omission made by us in respect of your booking shall be subject to correction without any liability on our part.

14. Copyright and all other intellectual property rights shall remain the property of whynow Ltd. You agree not to reproduce, sell, hire or copy any materials (in whole or in part) and not to use such materials except for reference.

15. Our liability to you under or in relation to your booking and the Event (whether arising from an action in contract law, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) shall be limited as follows:

    (a) we shall not be liable to you in respect of any loss of profit, loss of anticipated savings, loss of goodwill or injury to reputation, loss of business opportunity, loss suffered by third parties or any form of indirect, consequential or special loss;

    (b) our total liability to you shall be limited to the amount of the Price paid by you.

16. These Conditions and the booking process referenced in these Conditions constitute the entire agreement between whynow Ltd and you. In entering into these Conditions you acknowledge that you have not relied upon any statement or representation from us save as set out in these Conditions or as stated in writing as part of the booking process.

17. No term of any contract between us arising from these Conditions is intended to confer a benefit upon or be enforceable by any third party whether under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.

18. The language of any contract formed will be English. The Conditions shall be construed in accordance with English Law and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

19. We may change the terms upon which we make Events available from time to time without notice to you and any subsequent booking requests you may make will be subject to those changes.

20. Photography and video footage is recorded at all whynow events, this footage may be used in future editorial and commercial content by whynow. By attending this event you agree to images of you to appear in such content. If you do not wish to be filmed/ photographed at our events, please let a member of the events team be aware of this at the beginning of the event.

21. By purchasing a ticket to this event, you agree that we may share the details you have provided with our Independent Podcast Awards sponsor brands and whynow. If you object to the sharing of your data in this way, please email hello@whynow.co.uk.

22. Given the current circumstances surrounding COVID-19 we are planning to go ahead with the event. If for any reason we have to move the event your tickets will be carried over and still count for the new event date. We will refund you your ticket cost in full should you be unable to make the new event date.



The Independent Podcast Awards 2023 (the "Awards") are administered by the whynow Limited ("whynow").

1. The Awards are open to United Kingdom based content creators of work originally published for and addressing the UK and Irish market.

2. For the purposes of the Awards, a podcast is considered independent if it is produced without the financial support of a large organisation such as a publishing company, or brand, and is not fronted by high profile celebrities for whom this is one of many revenue streams. Podcasts that have featured high profile guests will still be considered.

3. The decisions on whether the requirements of the previous paragraphs are met will be made by the whynow team and the Advisory Board for the Awards and will be final.

4. The eligibility period for entries is between 1 May 2022 and 31 May 2023.

5. Persons completing entries commit that they are authorised to do so and agree to be bound by, and comply with, these Terms and Conditions and the "Entering", "Categories" and booking form sections of the Independent Podcast Awards website.

6. The deadline for award entries is 14th July at midnight. Award entries must be submitted online only, hard copies will not be accepted or required. whynow reserves the right to cancel those entries (including supporting documentation) not received in full by the closing date.

7. Award entries cost £30 each and are not refundable ("Award Fees").

8. Award entries will be confirmed by whynow once the completed booking is received by whynow. Confirmation by whynow of the Award entry forms a binding commitment for payment of the full Award Fee(s) by the entrant.

9. All entry fees must be paid in GB Pounds Sterling (£).

10. Entries may be withdrawn but are not refundable.

11. More than one category can be entered, but there are certain limitations (please see individual categories for details).

12. Descriptions of the winner's submissions and those on the shortlist will be published in connection with the Awards; by entering, you agree to reasonable use of your company and/or publication name in promotional material and news reporting.

13. Winning entries will be displayed at the Awards ceremony and on whynow websites; and as conditions of entry and/or acceptance of any award a licence is granted to whynow for these purposes.

14. Information supplied as part of entries will be treated as confidential and only used for the purposes of the Awards.

15. Judges have the right to determine the standard of an Award and to withhold an Award in any category if, in their view, entries are not of sufficient merit.

16. Judges may reallocate an entry to a different category.

17. The judges' decisions are final, and no judge will enter into conversation or correspondence about decisions that have been made.

18. The winner of each category will be announced at the Awards ceremony and dinner due to take place later in 2023. There will be no prior disclosure.

19. These Terms and Conditions, together with the material listed at 6 above, constitute the entire agreement of the parties. In entering into this agreement, the parties have not relied on, and shall have no remedy in respect of, any statement, representation, warranty, understanding, promise or assurance (whether negligently or innocently made) of any person other than as expressly set out in this agreement.

20. To the full extent allowed by law and insofar as it is reasonable to do so, entrants to the Awards agree not to hold whynow liable for any damage or loss suffered or incurred in connection with entering the Awards, including consequential (i.e. losses which are not incurred as a direct consequence of the event leading to any claim) or indirect losses or loss of profit, through entering the Awards, attending the Awards, alteration of the Awards schedule, cancellation of the Awards, or any error or omission on the part of whynow. This provision does not reduce or restrict whynow's liability for death or personal injury caused by whynow's negligence or liability for fraud on the part of whynow.

21. These terms and conditions are governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with English law. The place of performance is London. Any disputes arising in relation to the interpretation of these terms and conditions or in relation to any agreement of which these terms and conditions form part, which cannot be settled amicably, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.