For the purposes of these awards, a podcast is considered independent if it is produced without the financial support of a large organisation such as a publishing company, or brand, and is not fronted by high profile celebrities for whom this is one of many revenue streams. Podcasts that have featured high profile guests will still be considered.

To be eligible for entry you'd ideally have released at least 10 episodes of your podcast in the last 12 months OR it's a contained mini-series, OR you've been podcasting for a while and have a notable back catalogue but have been a bit sporadic in the last 12 months.

Episodes entered must be from the last 12 months, which for the purposes of these awards runs from 1st May 2022 to 31st May 2023.

Currently only podcasters that are based in the UK or Ireland are eligible to enter the awards. 

As long as your podcast is regularly hosted by at least 50% of people based in the UK/Ireland, your podcast qualifies as a British/Irish podcast.

The closing date for entries is Friday 30th June 2023. 

It costs £30 for your first entry, and then £5 for each subsequent entry. We do have two free to enter categories too, Best Podcast Jingle and Best Podcast Artwork but you can only enter these if you have submitted a paid for entry too. 

Once you've entered at least one of the paid for categories and the transaction has gone through you will be emailed a link to access these categories. If the email doesn't come through, and you can't find it in your junk/spam folder then please get in touch with Emma

Yes! If you feel your podcast straddles more than one genre then you are welcome to enter it multiple times. You will have to pay £30 for your first entry, and each one is charged at £5 after that. Please note that Overall Podcast of the Year is not self entered but will be chosen from the winners of the other categories.

We’ll email all those that entered as soon as the shortlist is available.

We’ll announce the winners at an awards event on Monday 30th October at Kings Place, Kings Cross, London. It will be a night to celebrate independent podcasters, and our industry, and encourage as many people to come along as possible.

We're open for bookings now. Tickets cost £45 each and can be purchased from the Kings Place box office

Everyone that attends will need to purchase a ticket to the event. 

Tickets cost £45 each. We've worked hard to keep the ticket price as low as we can to ensure as many people are able to attend as possible. 

For any queries relating to entering the awards, attending the event, or would like to get involved in judging contact Emma Turner on emma@whynow.co.uk.

For commercial opportunities contact Adam McDonnell on adam@whynow.co.uk.